
Polychloroprene Structure
Polychloroprene structure
Common Name Polychloroprene
CAS Number 9010-98-4 Molecular Weight 88.53550
Density 1.23 Boiling Point N/A
Molecular Formula C4H5Cl Melting Point 80ºC
MSDS Chinese USA Flash Point N/A

Cytotoxic tetraprenylated alkaloids from the South China Sea gorgonian Euplexaura robusta.

Chem. Biodivers. 9(10) , 2218-24, (2012)

Nine achiral tetraprenylated alkaloids, including three new compounds, named malonganenones I-K (1-3, resp.), together with six known analogs, 4-9, were isolated from the gorgonian Euplexaura robusta collected from Weizhou Island of Guangxi Province, China. T...

Anatomy of the foot venous pump: physiology and influence on chronic venous disease.

Phlebology 27(5) , 219-30, (2012)

The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the location of the venous foot pump using an anatomical study. Four hundred cadaveric feet were injected with green neoprene latex followed by a dissection. A coloured segmentation of the venous system was achieved. Th...

Experiments on the mechanism of underwater hearing.

Acta Otolaryngol. 131(12) , 1279-85, (2011)

The findings suggest that underwater sound perception is realized by the middle ear rather than by bone conduction, at least in shallow water conditions.To prove whether underwater sound perception is effected by bone conduction or by conduction via the middl...

Disproportionated rosin dehydroabietic acid in neoprene surgical gloves.

Dermatitis 21(3) , 157-9, (2010)

Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a well-recognized immune-mediated disease often associated with the use of vulcanization accelerator-containing latex and nitrile gloves. Potential contact allergens in neoprene (polychloroisoprene, polychloroprene) gloves...

Permeation of gasoline, diesel, bioethanol (E85), and biodiesel (B20) fuels through six glove materials.

J. Occup. Environ. Hyg. 7(7) , 417-28, (2010)

Biofuels and conventional fuels differ in terms of their evaporation rates, permeation rates, and exhaust emissions, which can alter exposures of workers, especially those in the fuel refining and distribution industries. This study investigated the permeatio...

Jaw bite force measurement device.

J. Oral Implantol. 38(4) , 361-4, (2012)

We describe a cost-effective device that uses an off-the-shelf force transducer to measure patient bite force as a diagnostic aid in determining dental implant size, number of implants, and prosthetic design for restoring partial edentulism. The main advantag...

A linear allergic contact dermatitis to p-tert-butylphenol formaldehyde resin sectorially present in a neoprene orthopedic brace: role of spectroscopy.

Dermatitis 23(6) , 292-3, (2012)

Occupational allergic contact dermatitis caused by diethylthiourea in a neoprene handle of a cleaning trolley.

Contact Dermatitis 64(6) , 359-60, (2011)

Allergic contact dermatitis caused by p-tert-butylphenol formaldehyde resin and colophonium in neoprene thermal sauna shorts.

Contact Dermatitis 63(4) , 230-2, (2010)

Metabolic engineering by plastid transformation as a strategy to modulate isoprenoid yield in plants.

Methods Mol. Biol. 643 , 213-27, (2010)

Plants synthesize a large number of isoprenoid compounds that have diverse structures and functions. All isoprenoids are synthesized through consecutive condensation of five-carbon precursors, isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and its allyl isomer dimethylallyl d...