
更新时间:2024-02-05 14:21:55

常用名 PD-85639 英文名 PD-85639
CAS号 149838-21-1 分子量 365.51200
密度 1.06g/cm3 沸点 562.1ºC at 760 mmHg
分子式 C23H31N3O 熔点 N/A
MSDS N/A 闪点 293.8ºC


PD-85639 is a voltage-gated sodium (Na+) channel blocker (75% in 10 min & >95% in 25 min blockage of Na+ current by 25 μM PD85,639; whole-cell patch clamp using primary rat brain neurons) that is shown to target rat brain Nav1.2 with simultaneous high- and low-affinity modes of binding (EC50 = 56 nM/40% & 20 μM/60% at pH 9.0, 5 nM/28% & 3 μM/72% at pH 7.4, against 2 nM [3H]-PD85,639 for binding rat brain synaptosomes; EC50 = 17 nM/39% & 10 μM/61% using at pH 9.0 using rat brain synaptosome membranes) and a fast kinetic (t1/2 = 1.2 at 4°C, <0.5 min at 25°C), competitive against the local anesthetic Na+ channel blockers tetracaine, bupivacaine, and mepivacaine, as well as Na+ channel activators veratridine and batrachotoxin (K1 = 0.26 μM against 5 nM [3H]-BTX for binding rat neocrotical membranes).


英文名 2-[3-(2,6-dimethylpiperazin-1-yl)phenyl]-2-phenylpentanamide


密度 1.06g/cm3
沸点 562.1ºC at 760 mmHg
分子式 C23H31N3O
分子量 365.51200
闪点 293.8ºC
精确质量 365.24700
PSA 59.35000
LogP 4.98820
蒸汽压 1.16E-12mmHg at 25°C
折射率 1.552