phenolphthalein glucuronic acid sodium salt

phenolphthalein glucuronic acid sodium salt Structure
phenolphthalein glucuronic acid sodium salt structure
Common Name phenolphthalein glucuronic acid sodium salt
CAS Number 6820-54-8 Molecular Weight 516.42900
Density N/A Boiling Point N/A
Molecular Formula C26H21NaO10 Melting Point N/A
MSDS USA Flash Point N/A

Deconjugation of glucuronides catalysed by UDPglucuronyltransferase.

Biochim. Biophys. Acta 873(2) , 252-9, (1986)

Evidence was found for UDPglucuronyltransferase-catalysed deconjugation of p-nitrophenol-, 4-methylumbelliferone- and phenolphthalein-glucuronides. The evidence is based on the following observations: 1, deconjugation is UDP-dependent and the reactions show M...

Distribution of chlordecone to liver plasma membranes and recovery from hepatobiliary dysfunction in rats.

Toxicology 86(1-2) , 123-34, (1994)

Chlordecone (CD) impairs biliary excretion of organic anions (including phenolphthalein glucuronide (PG), imipramine polar metabolites, and taurocholate) without evidence of hepatocellular necrosis in rats. In this study we investigated the hypothesis that CD...

NMR-monitored solid-phase extraction of phenolphthalein glucuronide on phenylboronic acid and C18 bonded phases.

J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 9(10-12) , 895-9, (1991)

Preliminary studies have been undertaken to evaluate the potential of immobilized phenylboronic acid (PBA) for the solid-phase extraction (SPE) of glucuronide metabolites from urine. These studies have demonstrated that immobilized PBA can be used to specific...

Biliary excretion of sulfated bile acids and organic anions in zone 1- and zone 3-injured rats.

J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 21(1 Pt 1) , 26-31, (2006)

There are several reports on the biliary excretion of bile acids and organic anions in zone 1- and zone 3-injured rat liver, but the results are controversial. In order to dissolve the discrepancy between previous works about the role of hepatic zonation on t...

Application of high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry to measure microsomal membrane transport of glucuronides.

Anal. Biochem. 342(1) , 45-52, (2005)

A primary reason for poor characterization of microsomal transport to date is the limitations of the measurement techniques used. Radiodetection provides sufficient sensitivity, but it can be applied only when labeled analogue is available. In this article, w...

Comparison of phenolphthalein and phenolphthalein glucuronide on net water transport in rat ileum and colon.

Dig. Dis. Sci. 28(9) , 827-32, (1983)

Phenolphthalein is an odorless, tasteless compound, poorly soluble in water, but readily soluble in alcohol or ether. Although its laxative activity was discovered in 1902, the mechanism of action remains unclear. Phenolphthalein has been found to be an ineff...

Improvement in intestinal function and health by the peel fiber derived from Citrus sinensis L cv Liucheng Chi-Fai Chau, Fuu Sheu, Ya-Ling Huang and Li-Hung Su

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Depletion of hepatic uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid decreases the biliary excretion of drugs.

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Hepatic levels of uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid (UDPGA) in rats decreased substantially (greater than 80%) 40 min after galactosamine (GAL) (600 mg/kg i.p.) or after 1 hr of diethyl ether (DE) narcosis. Biliary excretion of several cholephils requiring glu...

Micro-PET imaging of beta-glucuronidase activity by the hydrophobic conversion of a glucuronide probe.

Radiology 252 , 754-762, (2009)

To develop a new glucuronide probe for micro-positron emission topography (PET) that can depict beta-glucuronidase (betaG)-expressing tumors in vivo.All animal experiments were preapproved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. A betaG-specific p...

Effect of colchicine on hepatobiliary function in CCl4 treated rats.

Biochem. Pharmacol. 42(12) , 2323-32, (1991)

A number of toxic chemicals affect the biliary excretory function of liver. Organochlorines and halomethanes are known to enhance bile flow. Despite the demonstration that a diversity of agents modify biliary function, the mechanism by which these chemicals m...