
常用名 一氯化碘 英文名 Iodine monochloride
CAS号 7790-99-0 分子量 162.357
密度 2.8±0.1 g/cm3 沸点 97.4±9.0 °C at 760 mmHg
分子式 ClI 熔点 25-27°C
MSDS 中文版 美版 闪点 96-98°C
符号 GHS05 GHS08
GHS05, GHS08
信号词 Danger

Self-Assembly of a Tripod Aromatic Rod into Stacked Planar Networks.

Chemistry 21 , 11836-42, (2015)

Threefold symmetric rigid-core molecules with an internally grafted poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) chain were synthesized, and their self-assembled structures were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry, TEM, and 1D and 2D X-ray scatterings in the ...

Cell surface labeling by iodine monochloride.

Int. J. Biochem. 13(9) , 1011-7, (1981)

Rapid extraction, radioiodination, and in vivo catabolism of 125I-labeled fibrinogen in the horse.

Am. J. Vet. Res. 46(12) , 2578-81, (1985)

Two methods were analyzed for the rapid extraction of equine fibrinogen from fresh plasma, using ammonium sulfate-sodium phosphate buffer. Fibrinogen from each of these 2 methods was then radiolabeled with 125I (half-life = 60.2 days, gamma = 35 keV), using m...

Position of gamma-chain carboxy-terminal regions in fibrinogen/fibrin cross-linking mixtures.

Biochemistry 39(46) , 14171-5, (2000)

There are conflicting ideas regarding the location of the carboxyl-terminal regions of cross-linked gamma-chain dimers in double-stranded fibrin fibrils. Some investigators believe that the chains are always oriented longitudinally along each fibril strand an...

Iodinated soluble adult worm protein preparations of Schistosoma mansoni do not induce immediate hypersensitivity reactions but retain other immunogenic properties.

Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res. 24(8) , 787-90, (1991)

Samples of Schistosoma mansoni soluble adult worm proteins (SWAP) were iodinated with 4-15 mumol I/mg protein using iodine monochloride. The capacity to elicit immediate hypersensitivity reactions of the iodinated derivatives was compared to that of the nativ...

A single-step procedure for the synthesis of photoreactive and radioactive glycerolipids.

Anal. Biochem. 313(1) , 155-9, (2003)

A single-step procedure was developed for the incorporation of iodoazide into oleic acid, triolein, and phosphatidylcholine. Iodoazide was generated using [125I]iodomonochloride and sodium azide that was found to add stereospecifically in a variety of olefins...

Comparison of two methods for radioiodination on the oxidizability properties of low density lipoprotein.

J. Physiol. Biochem. 57(4) , 291-301, (2001)

Radiolabeling of low density lipoprotein (LDL) apoB100 with 125I, an oxidative process, is commonly used in lipoprotein investigation. Since 1) LDL is unstable and oxidation-prone, 2) the modification of apoB100 by oxidation increases the negative charge of p...

Simple spectrophotometric and titrimetric methods for the determination of sulfur dioxide.

Anal. Sci. 22(5) , 757-61, (2006)

The proposed work describes a simple spectrophotmetric as well as a titrimetric method to determine sulfur dioxide. The spectrophotometric method is based on a redox reaction between sulfur dioxide and iodine monochloride obtained from iodine with chloramine-...

A novel spectrophotometric determination of some phenothiazines involving iodine monochloride from chloramine-T with iodine.

Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim) 337(11) , 605-14, (2004)

A novel, simple, sensitive spectrophotometric method is proposed for the determination of five phenothiazines. Chloramine-T with iodine in acetic acid produces iodine monochloride which oxidizes phenothiazines to absorbing cations. Those would associate later...

[Studies on iodinated compounds. X. Isolation and purification of iodoglycyltyrosines].

Yakugaku Zasshi 119(9) , 681-7, (1999)

The methods for the isolation and purification of iodoglycyltyrosines [glycyl-3-iodotyrosine (Gly-MIT) and glycyl-3,5-diiodotyrosine (Gly-DIT)] from a reaction mixture were examined by the use of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Glycyltyrosine (...