The development of quinolone synthetic antibacterials has gone through three generations. A typical representative of the first generation of quinolones is Nalidixic acid, which was developed in 1962. It is effective against Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli, but is ineffective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Gram-positive bacteria. It is eliminated due to low utilization and resistance. Typical representatives of the second generation of quinolones are Oxolinic acid and Pipemidic acid, which were developed in the late 1970s. In 1979, the use of pipemidic acid in the treatment of Gram-negative bacteria in China was better, and the therapeutic effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection was better than that of nalidixic acid and carbenicillin, but not as good as gentamicin. The disadvantage is that the effect on Gram-positive bacteria is poor, the blood concentration is low, and there is a certain toxic effect of the central nervous system. In the late 1970s, the development of cephalosporins reached its peak, and its price was unbearable for the general patients. The development of the third-generation quinolone-fluoroquinolone synthetic antibacterial drug gave the world a "sufficient road to the mountains and waters. Sense. A fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent refers to a class of quinolone antibacterial agents in which a fluorine atom is substituted at the 6th position of the synthesized quinazoline ring. They are not only 4 to 64 times stronger than the first and second generation quinolones in combating Gram-negative bacteria, but also 8 to 64 times stronger than the first and second-generation quinolones against Gram-positive bacteria. They are well absorbed orally, and have little resistance. Because they are chemical synthetic products, they are relatively cheaper than antibiotics (especially the third-generation cephalosporins). The DNA of bacterial cells is in the form of a double-stranded helix, and the formation of its double helix depends on the DNA helicase. The mechanism of action of quinolones is to inhibit DNA helicase, causing chromosomal damage, so that cells no longer divide and multiply. Because of its unique mechanism of action, it is not affected by plasmid-transfer resistance, so it has no cross-resistance with many antibacterial drugs. The advantages of fluoroquinolone antibacterials are as follows. 1. Antibacterial spectrum is broad, antibacterial activity is strong, and some are comparable to third-generation cephalosporins (such as ofloxacin, etc.). It also has a role in staphylococcus in Gram-positive bacteria and the more difficult methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); it has been extended to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria gonorrhoeae producing penicillinase; some new fluoroquinolone antibacterials are also effective against mycoplasma and chlamydia. 2. Oral absorption is good, and the tissue is widely distributed. Generally, the peak time of blood in fluoroquinolone after oral administration is 1 to 2 hours, and the plasma protein binding rate is low, about 10% to 40%, and can be widely distributed in tissues such as liver, kidney, skin and lung after administration. 3. Wide range of treatment, has a certain therapeutic effect on intestinal, urinary tract, biliary tract, respiratory infection, prostatitis, osteomyelitis, etc., widely used in the treatment of various infections. 4. Less drug resistance. After 8 years of use in Germany, ofloxacin still inhibits 96.8% of Gram-negative bacteria and 93.3% of Gram-positive bacteria; ciprofloxacin has 91% of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 95% of golden yellow in the UK Staphylococcus is sensitive to it; investigations in China have shown that the resistance of fluoroquinolones to Pseudomonas aeruginosa has increased in recent years, from 4.4% to 10%. The characteristics of fluoroquinolone antibacterials are as follows. 1. In terms of antibacterial effect, it is generally less effective against Gram-positive bacteria than Gram-negative bacteria. 2. Adverse reactions include gastrointestinal symptoms, generally no need to stop; central nervous system symptoms, such as anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, headache and other ciprofloxacin are more common; rash may also occur; the incidence of liver and kidney dysfunction is generally It is 0.5% to 1.0%. 3. Long-term magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound studies of puppies have shown that there is a loose matrix in the middle layer of osteoarticular cartilage, but observation of nearly 100 cases has not been seen. For safety reasons, this class of drugs should not be long-term. Give breastfeeding women and children and boys in skeletal development. Because this product inhibits DNA replication, pregnant women should also be used with caution. 4. Individual fluoroquinolones (such as lomefloxacin, enoxacin, and sapafloxacin) have long-term mass-produced elderly farmers, and a few will have phototoxic reactions. Several situations in drug interactions. 1. It can affect the antibacterial effect with milk, cheese and drugs containing calcium, magnesium, iron, aluminum, etc. It is generally recommended to take it on an empty stomach. After taking it, the peak time of the blood drug should be delayed by 1 to 2 hours, but absorbed. The total amount is unchanged; the urine is acidic to facilitate its excretion, and precipitation is likely to occur in alkaline urine. 2. The interaction with the scutellaria drugs such as theophylline can be divided into three types: the same as enoxacin can increase the plasma concentration of theophylline by a factor of two; with ciprofloxacin and tosufloxacin. Can increase the plasma concentration of theophylline by 20%; with lomefloxacin, norfloxacin, no effect on the plasma concentration of theophylline. 3. With the non-steroidal antipyretic analgesic fenbufen, it can promote the combination of fenbufen and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor to induce epileptic seizures, so those with a history of epilepsy should be used with caution. 4. Care should also be taken with other antibacterial agents. For example, with vancomycin, the nephrotoxicity is increased; with doxorubicin and furoside, the renal function can be decreased (ciprofloxacin); with chloramphenicol, doxycycline, clindamycin and large The antibiotic effect of the cyclic lactone antibiotics is also reduced, and the adverse reactions of the hematopoietic system and the nervous system are also prone to occur.

Amino compound >
Oxy-containing amino compound Cycloalkylamines, aromatic monoamines, aromatic polyamines and derivatives and salts thereof Acyclic monoamines, polyamines and their derivatives and salts Amide compound Sulfonic acid amino compound
Alcohols, phenols, phenolic compounds and derivatives >
2-cycloalcohol Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of alcohols Extremely halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols Phenol and its halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives Acyclic alcohol
Nitrogen-containing compound
Nitrile compound
Organic derivative of hydrazine or hydrazine
Ether compounds and their derivatives >
Ether, ether alcohol Halogenation, sulfonation, nitration or nitrosation of ethers, ether alcohols, ether phenols
Carboxylic compounds and derivatives >
Cyclic carboxylic acid Halogenation, sulfonation, nitration or nitrosation of carboxylic acids Halogenation, sulfonation, nitration or nitration of carboxylic anhydrides Carboxylic acid halide Carboxylic esters and their derivatives Salt of carboxylic acid ester and its derivatives Acyclic carboxylic acid
Hydrocarbon compounds and their derivatives >
Aromatic hydrocarbon Cyclic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon sulfonate Hydrocarbon halide Hydrocarbon nitrite Acyclic hydrocarbon
Ketone compound
Alkyl ureas and their derivatives and salts
Inorganic acid ester
Heterocyclic compound
Diazo, azo or azo compound
Organosilicon compound
Organometallic compound >
Organic palladium Organic germanium, cobalt, strontium, barium, gallium, germanium, germanium, germanium, germanium, etc. Organic calcium Zirconium Organic potassium Organic Organic lithium Organic Organic aluminum Organotin Organic manganese Organic sodium Organic nickel Organic titanium Organic iron Organic copper Organotin Organic zinc Organic Organic Organic germanium, mercury, silver, platinum, etc. Organic germanium, antimony, bismuth, tungsten, antimony, bismuth, lead, vanadium, molybdenum, chromium, antimony, etc.
Organic sulfur compound
Organic phosphine compound
Organometallic salt
Organic fluorine compound >
Fluorobenzoic acid series Fluorobenzonitrile series Fluorobenzaldehyde series Fluorobenzyl alcohol series Fluoroanisole series Fluoroaniline series Fluorophenylacetic acid series Fluorophenol series Fluorobenzoic acid series Fluoronitrobenzene series Fluoropyridine series Potassium fluoroborate series Fluorobenzyl alcohol series Fluorotoluene series Fluorine red series Fluoroethane series Fluoropropane series
Respiratory medication >
Asthma Other respiratory medications Peony Antitussive
Hormone and endocrine-regulating drugs >
Birth control pills Pituitary hormone Estrogen and progestogen drugs Adrenocorticotropic drugs Gonadotropin Thyroid hormone and antithyroid drugs other Prostaglandins Adrenal corticosteroids Androgen and anabolic hormone drugs Pancreatic hormones and other blood sugar regulating drugs Treatment of male erectile dysfunction drugs
Antipyretic analgesics >
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Antipyretic and analgesic Anti-migraine drug Anti-gout medicine Analgesic
Antiallergic >
Allergic reaction medium blocker Antihistamine
Antiparasitic drug >
Anti-amebiasis and anti-trichomoniasis drugs Antimalarial Resistance to filariasis and anti-leishmaniasis Anti-fungal medicine Anthelmintic Antiprotozoal Anthelmintic
Antibiotics >
Beta-lactamase inhibitor Aminoglycoside Macrolide drug Peptide Polyene Rifamycin Lincosamide Other antibiotics Penicillin Tetracycline Cephalosporin Amide alcohol Agricultural antibiotics
Antineoplastic agents >
Hormone antineoplastic agents Antimetabolite antineoplastic Antibiotic antineoplastic agents Anti-tumor adjuvant Other antineoplastic agents Natural source antineoplastic agents Alkylating agent Tinic antineoplastic agents Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) treatment
Anesthetic Agents >
Skeletal muscle relaxant Local anesthetics General anesthetics
Urinary system medication >
Diuretic Diabetes insipidus medication Other urinary system medication Dehydrated medicine
Other chemicals >
other Health and epidemic prevention drugs
Synthetic anti-infective drugs >
Sulfonamides and synergists Antiviral drugs Anti-tuberculosis leprosy Antihelium drug Antifungal drugs Quinolone Natural source anti-infectives Disinfectant antiseptic Nitrofuran
Nervous system medication >
2 sedative and hypnotics Antiepileptic and anticonvulsant Anxiolytic Antipsychotic Antidepressant, manic Anti-shock palsy Brain metabolism regulating drug Cholinergic Other nervous system medication Central stimulant Parkinson's syndrome
Water, electrolyte and acid-base balance regulator >
Electrolyte balance regulator Glucose drug Acid-base balance regulator
Vitamins and minerals >
Trace elements and mineral drugs Vitamin AD drugs Vitamin B drugs Vitamin C drugs Nutritional health medicine
Digestive system medication >
Liver disease medication Acid and gastric mucosal protective drugs Biliary medicine Other digestive system medication Appetite suppressant and other diet pills Gastrointestinal drug Gastrointestinal expectorant Laxative antidiarrheal Inhibition of gastric acid secretion Antiemetic emetic Digestive drug
Blood system medication >
Leukocyte proliferative drug Platelet proliferative drug Anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs Anti-anemia drug Blood volume expander Hemostatic drug
Circulatory system medication >
Regulating blood lipids Prevention and treatment of angina pectoris Calcium channel blocker Anti-congestive heart failure medicine Antihypertensive drug Antiarrhythmic drug Anti-shock vasoactive drug Other circulatory system medication Angiotensin converting enzyme and receptor inhibitor Peripheral vasodilator Beta-adrenergic receptor blocker Treatment of chronic cardiac insufficiency Anti-atherosclerosis
Diagnostic medication >
Organ function test agent Image inspection medication
Special medicine >
Radioisotope Antidote Stomatology medication Dermatology medication Surgical medication Ophthalmic medication
Drugs that affect tissue metabolism
Feed drug additive
Anti-stress drug
Immune function drug >
Immunomodulatory drug Immunosuppressive drug
Veterinary drug raw materials
Common amino acids and protein drugs
Nucleic acid drug
Enzymes and coenzymes
Inhibitor >
Immune inhibitor Protein tyrosine kinase Neuronal Signaling PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitor (PI3K/Akt/mTOR) Metabolism Cell Cycle Epigenetics Cytoskeletal Signaling Angiogenesis DNA damage Proteases Apoptosis Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) Endocrinology & Hormones G protein coupled receptor(GPCR & G Protein) Transmembrane Transporters Tyrosine protein kinase/signal transducer and transcriptional activator inhibitor (JAK/STAT) TGF-beta/Smad signaling pathway inhibitor (TGF-beta/Smad) Stem Cells & Wnt Signaling Paths (Stem Cells & Wnt) Nuclear transcription factor (NF-κB) Ubiquitin inhibitor Microbiology Autophagy lysosome (Autophagy)
Biological response modifier
Fatty drug
Amino acids and their derivatives >
Arginine derivatives Asparagine derivatives Aspartic acid derivative Cysteine derivative Glutamine derivative Glutamic acid derivative Glycine derivatives Histidine derivative Isoleucine derivative Leucine derivative Lysine derivative Methionine derivatives Phenylalanine derivatives Proline derivatives Serine derivative Threonine derivative Tryptophan derivatives Tyrosine derivatives Proline derivatives Alanine derivatives Methionine derivatives BOC-amino acid Cbz-amino acid FMOC-amino acid --amino acid Other protected amino acids Amino alcohol derivative Amino acid salt Ester amino acid Other amino acid derivatives Natural amino acids and their derivatives
Carbohydrate >
Monosaccharide Oligosaccharide Polysaccharide Double sugar
Biochemical reagent >
Biological dye Acid-base indicator Adjuvant
Nucleoside drugs >
Nucleoside intermediate Deoxynucleotides and their analogues Nucleotides and their analogues
Condensing agent
Natural product
Plant extracts
Chinese herbal medicine ingredients
Microbiological reagent
Protein research
antibody >
Antibody Enzyme secondary antibody Apoptosis and autophagy Cell metabolism Chromatin / epigenetic / cell cycle Cytoskeleton/extracellular matrix MAPK and PI3K/Akt pathway Neuroscience Immunity and inflammation PKC, calcium ion and lipid signaling pathway Stem cells, development and differentiation Protein translation, folding and degradation Other categories of primary antibodies
  • CAS Number: 107097-79-0
  • MF: C26H25F3N4O7S
  • MW: 594.56000
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.558g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 614.4ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: 251-252ºC
  • Flash Point: 325.4ºC
  • CAS Number: 106017-08-7
  • MF: C17H19ClFN3O3S
  • MW: 399.86700
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: 574.6ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: 322-324ºC
  • Flash Point: 301.3ºC
  • CAS Number: 104142-71-4
  • MF: C21H31FN4O11
  • MW: 534.48900
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A
  • CAS Number: 93594-39-9
  • MF: C18H18FN3O4
  • MW: 359.35200
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.573g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 648ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: >280ºC (dec.)
  • Flash Point: 345.7ºC
  • CAS Number: 98106-17-3
  • MF: C21H19F2N3O3
  • MW: 399.39100
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.409 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 595.5ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 313.9ºC
  • CAS Number: 74011-58-8
  • MF: C15H17FN4O3
  • MW: 320.319
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.4±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 569.9±50.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 220-224ºC
  • Flash Point: 298.4±30.1 °C
  • CAS Number: 151096-09-2
  • MF: C21H24FN3O4
  • MW: 401.43
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.4±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 636.4±55.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 193-195 °C(lit.)
  • Flash Point: 338.7±31.5 °C
  • CAS Number: 100986-85-4
  • MF: C18H20FN3O4
  • MW: 361.367
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.5±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 571.5±50.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 218ºC
  • Flash Point: 299.4±30.1 °C
  • CAS Number: 316819-28-0
  • MF: C20H26FN3O7S
  • MW: 471.500
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A
  • CAS Number: 68077-27-0
  • MF: C16H19ClFN3O3
  • MW: 355.79
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A
  • CAS Number: 857213-31-1
  • MF: C20H24FN3O6
  • MW: 421.41900
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A
  • CAS Number: 110871-86-8
  • MF: C19H22F2N4O3
  • MW: 392.400
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.4±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 640.4±55.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 265°C
  • Flash Point: 341.1±31.5 °C
  • CAS Number: 141725-88-4
  • MF: C20H16F3N3O3
  • MW: 403.35500
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.502g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 592ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 311.8ºC
  • CAS Number: 151213-15-9
  • MF: C20H21F2N3O3
  • MW: 389.396
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.5±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 596.9±50.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 247-249°C
  • Flash Point: 314.8±30.1 °C
  • CAS Number: 127254-12-0
  • MF: C19H18ClF2N3O3
  • MW: 409.814
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.6±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 629.2±55.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 334.3±31.5 °C
  • CAS Number: 105956-99-8
  • MF: C17H18Cl2FN3O3
  • MW: 402.247
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.573 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 592.3ºCat 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 162-168°C
  • Flash Point: 312ºC
  • CAS Number: 110013-21-3
  • MF: C19H23F2N3O3
  • MW: 379.40100
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.304g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 545.8ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 283.9ºC
  • CAS Number: 123447-62-1
  • MF: C21H20FN3O6S
  • MW: 461.463
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.6±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 633.2±65.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 211-214°C
  • Flash Point: 336.8±34.3 °C
  • CAS Number: 119914-60-2
  • MF: C19H22FN3O3
  • MW: 359.39500
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.366
  • Boiling Point: 610ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: 189-192ºC
  • Flash Point: 322.7ºC
  • CAS Number: 113617-63-3
  • MF: C19H20F3N3O3
  • MW: 395.376
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.4±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 590.7±50.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 260 °C(dec.)
  • Flash Point: 311.1±30.1 °C
  • CAS Number: 111542-93-9
  • MF: C19H22F2N4O3
  • MW: 392.40000
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.436g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 640.4ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 341.1ºC
  • CAS Number: 91296-87-6
  • MF: C20H18ClF2N3O3
  • MW: 421.83
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.4±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 621.4±55.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 275ºC
  • Flash Point: 329.6±31.5 °C
  • CAS Number: 13392-28-4
  • MF: C12H21N
  • MW: 179.30
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.033
  • Boiling Point: 248ºC
  • Melting Point: 375°C(lit.)
  • Flash Point: 99ºC
  • CAS Number: 51940-44-4
  • MF: C14H17N5O3
  • MW: 303.316
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.4±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 534.9±60.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 251-255℃
  • Flash Point: 277.3±32.9 °C
  • CAS Number: 127046-45-1
  • MF: C16H16ClFN2O4
  • MW: 354.76100
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A
  • CAS Number: 123447-63-2
  • MF: C21H20FN3O6S
  • MW: 461.463
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.6±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 633.2±65.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 336.8±34.3 °C
  • CAS Number: 91524-15-1
  • MF: C16H13FN2O3
  • MW: 300.28400
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.36g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 495.9ºC at 760mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 253.7ºC
  • CAS Number: 97867-33-9
  • MF: C20H24FN3O6
  • MW: 403.404
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.4±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 656.4±55.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 255-257ºC
  • Flash Point: 350.8±31.5 °C
  • CAS Number: 896139-71-2
  • MF: C17H18N3O3F3.C3H6O3
  • MW: 459.41626
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A
  • CAS Number: 100986-89-8
  • MF: C13H9F2NO4
  • MW: 281.212
  • Catalog:Quinolone
  • Density: 1.6±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 459.2±45.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: >300 °C(lit.)
  • Flash Point: 231.5±28.7 °C